Miller Avenue Lectureships – the second morning
Each year Miller Avenue Church has an annual lectureship series in June. In our last post, we talked about the first two speakers.
This morning, we heard two more great speakers. Josh Lewis partnered with one of the other speakers from last night, Josh Carter, to leave everything behind and start a church in downtown San Francisco. We here in the Bay area (and probably nationwide) affectionately refer to them as “Josh and Josh.”
Josh Lewis delivered a great message on Acts 17:16-end). He noticed Paul speech at Athens answered some key questions on life which form our worldview: 1. what is my origin/where do I come from?; 2. What is the meaning of life/what am I doing here; 3: What is morality?/How should I live? and 4. What is my destiny/where am I going?
Then, David Fiddament showed us the importance of being prepared He noted how we should be unafraid to be dilligent workmen, rightly communicating the truth to everyone.
Finally, we were treated to a picnic hosted by the Miller Avenue Church at a park nearby.