Miller Avenue Lectureships – the second evening
We were treated to the one-two punch of Josh Carter and Josh Lewis tonight, the two gentleman who left their homes in the south and in the Midwest to move with their families to start a church in San Francisco.
First, Josh Carter took us through the lens of Paul and the church at Thessolonica. He explained how we can let error, our desire,to make the message apoealing, our motivation to obscure,and even flattery….all can stand in our way. He contrasted that with relying on wusdom from above (James 3:17) and the consistency found in Deuteronomy 7 as the guidelines for presenting a powerful and living truth.
Next, Josh Lewis used John 1 to explain how to share Jesus with other. He showed John the Baptist, Peter, Andrew, Phillip, and Nathanel came to Jesus. He talked about the reward for dilligently seeking God in Hebrews 11:6. All those who shared the news about Jesus did so with purpose, told only what they knew, and trusted Jesus to do the rest. We should too!
Remember, it does not matter who plants the seed, and who waters it, God alone is capable of giving the increase. (I Corinthians 3:6-7)