The following product comparison chart show the difference between the three workbooks at a glance. All the data is contained in the table below the chart. There are two axis depicted in the chart. The axis on the right applies to the bars, and shows the page count. The axis on the left applies to the lines, and shows the number of lessons and the number of books of the Bible covered.

These lessons are a great way to learn about God’s word in depth and are suitable for any serious student. The material is appropriate for advanced high school, college, and adult use. These workbooks are suitable for use in Church Bible Classes, College and University courses, and Bible studies. The lessons in this volume were developed for, and used in, a classroom environment.
Free Online
The products are free online. This is a great way to preview the entire workbooks, or circulate the material as PDFs. If you want the actual physical book, you will find it a lot (not a little bit) cheaper to order than to print them out or copy them. To access the proofs (with the publisher’s watermark) as PDFs click here. They are posted on Google Drive, so depending on your browser and version you may need to “right click” to access the “download” option.
New Testament Bible Workbook
This workbook covers the New Testament of the Bible. Each lesson in this workbook is organized with notes and questions. The questions are all addressed in the notes for that lesson. Many of the Books of the New Testament are divided into chapters for the purpose of this workbook. The material follows a curriculum outline designed to mirror chronology. The first few lessons cover Matthew, Mark, and Luke and are arranged according to a harmony of the events that took place in the life of Jesus. Here the Gospel According to John is treated much as any other Book of the New Testament, and is covered by chapter, in its entirety, and in order. The only material omitted in this workbook is the book of Revelation. This book has 49 lessons and 212 pages.
More information is available about this product here.
A sample lesson can be found here.
Old Testament Bible Workbook Volume One (of Two)
This workbook covers the first fourteen books of the Bible. Each lesson in this workbook is organized with notes and questions. The questions are all addressed in the notes for that lesson. Many of the Books of the Old Testament are divided into chapters for the purpose of this workbook. The material follows a curriculum outline designed to mirror chronology. For that reason, lessons in Kings and Chronicles are often covered together. This book has 56 lessons and 250 pages.
More information is available about this product here.
A sample lesson can be found here.
Old Testament Bible Workbook Volume Two (of Two)
This workbook covers the last twenty five books of the Old Testament. Each lesson in this workbook is organized with notes and questions. The questions are all addressed in the notes for that lesson. Many of the Books of the Old Testament are divided into chapters for the purpose of this workbook. In the study of the Psalms, this material follows a curriculum outline designed to reflect certain themes. For that reason, the Psalms have been grouped into these themes. As a consequence, although many Psalms are covered, not every Psalm is covered here. Without exception, every other book is covered in its entirely in these lessons. This book has 53 lessons and 193 pages.
More information is available about this product here.
A sample lesson can be found here.
Read about the people behind the cirriculum outline, editing, and processing of this book, as well as more about the author’s spiritual development and educational background here.